Add Product

** Admin approval is needed to publish newly created product and while editing the product. Contact site administrator.
You can not change the product type from Variable to Simple once you create stockable attribute from Attribute Information tab.
This needs to be Unique!

Allowed image types are - gif, jpeg, jpg, png, pjpeg and Maximum allowed file size: 1024 KB

Allowed video types are - mp4 and Maximum allowed file size: 10 MB

Field Details:
Select attribute Type: This field help you to create your Custom Attribute or you can use existing Global attributes from Global Attribute Set which is mapped to current product category.(This also help while product filtering on front-end).
Is Stockable Attribute?: If you have enabled the stock feature from Quick2cart's options and type of current product is Variable type then this field, lets you add stock for attributes. NOTE: Only one attribute can be the stock keeping attribute for the product and by default all options are of SELECT field type and Compulsory.
Option Name Status Stock SKU Prefix Value Order
You can add attribute once you save the product.
Supported File formats: zip, doc, docx, pdf, xls, txt, gz, gzip, rar, jpg, gif, tar.gz, xlsx, pps, csv, bmp, epg, ico, odg, odp, ods, odt, png, ppt, swf, xcf, wmv, avi, mkv, mp3, ogg, flac, wma, fla, flv, mp4, wav, aac, mov, epub Note: You are allowed to add only 5 e-product file(s).

FrontEnd Demo Access

The credentials for demo users are as below.

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